ردیف |
عنوان مقاله |
نام مجله |
سال انتشار |
نمایه |
لینک |
1 |
Evaluation of medical treatment in Iranian children with nephrolithiasis |
JNephropharmacol |
2022 |
دانلود |
2 |
Designing and evaluating a mobile personal health record application forkidney transplant patients |
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked |
2022 |
دانلود |
3 |
The effect of single dose prophylactic vancomycin beforesemi-permanent catheterization to prevent catheterrelated infection; a randomized controlled trial, phase II |
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention |
2022 |
دانلود |
4 |
Serum Sodium Alterations in Children with PrimaryMonosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis Using Desmopressin |
Nephro-Urol Mon |
2022 |
Pumbed |
دانلود |
5 |
Effect of aspirin in preventing thrombosis of tunneleddialysis catheters and increasing catheter survival indialysis patients; controlled clinical trial study |
J Nephropharmacol |
2022 |
Pumbed |
دانلود |
6 |
Effect of vitamin D treatment on magnesium levels inchronic hemodialysis patient; a double blind controlledclinical trial |
J Renal Inj Prev |
2022 |
دانلود |
7 |
Desmopressin Acetate in Percutaneous Ultrasound-GuidedNative Kidney Biopsy in Patients with Reduced KidneyFunction: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial |
Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases |
2022 |
8 |
Synaptic plasticity and cognitive impairment consequences toacute kidney injury: Protective role of ellagic acid |
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences |
2022 |
دانلود |
9 |
The impact of intra-sacroiliac joint methylprednisoloneinjection in the recovery of patients with spondyloarthropathy:a randomized controlled trial |
Joint methylprednisolone injection in spondyloarthropathy |
2022 |
Pubmed |
دانلود |
10 |
Prevalence of hypothyroidism in patients undergoing hemodialysis at a general hospital in Ahvaz | [Prevalenza di ipotiroidismo nei pazienti sottoposti a emodialisi presso un ospedale generale di Ahvaz] |
Recenti Progressi in Medicina |
2022 |
Pubmed |
دانلود |
11 |
Interferon therapy: Mechanism of renal thrombotic microangiopathy in multiple sclerosis | [Terapia con interferon: mecanismo de microangiopatia trombotica renal en la esclerosis multiple] |
Revista Colombiana de Reumatologia |
2022 |
دانلود |
12 |
Effect of rituximab on reducing the panel-reactiveantibody in dialysis patients of transplant candidate |
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention |
2022 |
دانلود |
13 |
Serum Sodium Alterations in Children with PrimaryMonosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis Using Desmopressin |
Nephro-Urol Mon |
2022 |
دانلود |
14 |
Anti‑proteinuria effect of active vitamin D in patientswith type 2 diabetic nephropathy |
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care |
2022 |
Pubmed |
دانلود |
15 |
Evaluation of the frequency of normal to mildly increasedalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes with CKD referredto clinics of Ahvaz teaching hospitals in the years 2014–2020 |
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care |
2022 |
Pubmed |
دانلود |
16 |
Serum Sodium Alterations in Children with PrimaryMonosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis Using Desmopressin |
Nephro-Urol Mon |
2022 |
دانلود |
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